Health Benefits of Medical Cannabis

Most patients who struggle with chronic physical or mental health conditions will agree that finding a solution to ease their discomfort is at the top of their priorities. Fortunately, in some states, such as Florida, Georgia and Texas, medical cannabis (AKA: medical marijuana or MMJ) has been approved for medical treatment to relieve suffering for a long list of qualifying conditions.

Today, cancer patients and others who are in chronic pain or have consistent, debilitating medical conditions, are able to find relief with medical cannabis for pain through the guidance of a state approved medical cannabis doctor.

Health Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Health Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Pain and Inflammation

Medical Cannabis for Pain and Inflammation

The medical benefits of cannabis are extensive and promotes a better way of life for so many patients who battle chronic pain and inflammation. Various cannabinoids found in cannabis, such as CBD, include anti-inflammatory effects that are instrumental in reducing inflammation which provide improvements for swelling with chronic conditions, such as arthritis and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS).

The THC found in prescribed cannabis acts to influence CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are located primarily on nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord and in some peripheral organs and tissues, including the spleen, white blood cells, and endocrine gland. CB1 receptors are also found in parts of the gastrointestinal and reproductive system, as well as the urinary tract. CB2 receptors are typically found on white blood cells, in the tonsils and spleen. THC is a well-known cannabinoid that targets CB1 receptors in spinal nerves to relieve pain and targets CB2 receptors in immune cells for inflammation. Medically prescribed cannabis has been recognized for its ability to relieve chronic pain from a long list of conditions.

Below are just some of the conditions that medical cannabis helps to provide relief for:

Does Medical Cannabis Work Right Away for Pain?

The time it takes for medical cannabis to begin providing pain relief will vary from person to person. However, patients will typically begin experiencing pain relief between twenty minutes to an hour after using medically approved cannabis.

Medically Prescribed Cannabis for Other Conditions

The benefits of medical cannabis are helpful for patients suffering from conditions ranging from anxiety and depression to those who battle with sleep disorders. Below provides some information as to the other types of health conditions that may be improved with a medical cannabis prescription, and the ways this holistic approach provides relief.

Medical Cannabis for Anxiety and Depression

Medical cannabis is sometimes an answer for anxiety in some patients. However, not for all. It is also important to note that only correct doses of cannabis will actually help to relieve anxiety. If too much THC is consumed, cannabis will actually increase anxiety in many patients and also inflict paranoia. Many medical cannabis doctors will instead prescribe CBD products for anxiety.

Medical Cannabis for ALS (Amyotrophic Sclerosis)

ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that damages neurons in the brain and spinal cord. ALS News Today reported that medical cannabis helps to reduce various symptoms experienced by patients with Amyotrophic Sclerosis. Symptoms that lessened from prescribed cannabis were depression, loss of appetite, muscle spasms and pain.

Medical Cannabis for Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication and behavior. No cure has been discovered for this condition, but there are treatments available to help manage symptoms. According to the National Library of Medicine, some studies have demonstrated that medically prescribed cannabis reduced the frequency of and/or intensity of various symptoms of Autistic patients. Patients experienced reduced aggression, anxiety, depression, desire for self-mutilation and anger outbursts, hyperactivity, irritability, psychomotor agitation, restlessness, and sleep problems. The study also mentions improvement in attention span, cognition, language and social interaction.

Medical Cannabis for Chron’s and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Web MD published an online article in 2020 that suggests medically prescribed marijuana or CBD products as a possible alternate therapy for patients struggling with Chron’s Disease and/or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The article explains that cannabis may help to improve inflammation, appetite, and sleep. However, it also explains that the use of cannabis is not a cure, but merely a way to control flareups and improve the quality of life.  Web MD suggests you talk about your interest in medical cannabis and the symptoms that you’re hoping to control during your initial consultation with a certified medical cannabis doctor.

Medical Cannabis for HIV / AIDS

Healthline reports that medical cannabis has been used as a treatment for HIV and AIDS for decades and many patients have testified how MMJ prescriptions have helped with many of their symptoms. This article mentions many symptoms that were improved, including neuropathic pain, nausea, loss of appetite, and depression.

Medical Cannabis for Migraines

Migraines are more than just headaches. This condition causes throbbing, pulsing pain on one side of the head and is often debilitating for many patients. Its victims are sometimes bedridden for days and can cause much difficulty for those who suffer with these repeated afflictions. Migraines are often sparked by certain movements, lights, sounds, fatigue, nausea, irritability and changes in vision. Medical News Today reported in January 2024 that growing evidence suggests that prescribed cannabis and CBD products could help migraine and headaches symptoms. It may also help reduce frequency and duration of migraine and lower the severity of common symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.

Medical Cannabis for Mood Disorders

Mental health disorders are among the top ten leading causes of health loss worldwide according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Anxiety and depressive disorders ranked as the most common across people of all ages worldwide. The Alcohol and Drug Foundation reported that a review of multiple clinical trials regarding the effects of CBD is promising. Research trials have suggested that patients who have used cannabinoid medications have seen improvements with symptoms of schizophrenia. Those suffering with anxiety disorders saw a reduction with anxiety.

Medical Cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder that involves inflammation that causes neurological damage to the brain and spinal cord. Patients suffering with MS experience symptoms, such as muscle spasms, chronic pain and fatigue. Multiple Sclerosis News Today explains in an article published in 2022 that studies have generally been consistent in showing medical cannabis and CBD therapies. It explains that MMJ and CBD can help to ease this type of pain in MS and may also help to ease pain from muscle spasms. Also, cannabis and CBD products were also instrumental in helping to improve sleep and reduce problems with fatigue.  The studies conducted also suggested that bladder problems with MS were improved with a cannabis-based oil spray called nabiximols.

Medical Cannabis for Muscle Spasm and Spasticity Reduction

Muscle spasms are painful contractions and the tightening of muscles that are typically triggered from dehydration, exercise and stress. However, muscle spasms are also a burdensome symptom for patients struggling with ALS, Diabetes, Cirrhosis, Chronic Renal Failure, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, MS and other chronic health disorders.  Those who are dealing with muscle spasms will often see muscles twitching and body parts moving on their own. Knots will often form causing the sensation of muscles stiffening into small, tight balls (which is frequent in leg cramping). Veriheal reports in an online article (published in January 2024) that in addition to stretching, applying ice and heat, warm baths and daily consumption of Vitamin B12, THC and CBD products have natural properties to help reduce inflammation and pain. This, in turn, can help with muscle spasms.

Medical Cannabis for Nausea and Appetite

Cannabis prescribed by an approved MMJ doctor has been known to help to decrease nausea and vomiting and increase appetites for patients with cancer or other chronic health conditions. However, each person’s appetite will differ. Recent studies have suggested that patients with a higher body mass index (BMI) will actually experience an appetite reduction. 

Medical Cannabis for Neuropathic Pain

The peripheral nervous system is responsible for sending information from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body through motor nerves. Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that causes numbness, pain and weakness in hands and feet. But it can also affect other parts of body, including the digestive system and urinary tract. Neuropathy is the result of damaged nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord. Patients may experience this condition from a traumatic injury, an infection, genetics, toxic exposure. Most often, neuropathy is the result of metabolic problems, such as diabetes.

Common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy also include burning, sharp, jabbing, and throbbing pain; intense sensitivity to touch; pain from simply putting weight on feet (even the weight of a blanket); decrease in coordination; inability to move; heat intolerance; increase or decrease in sweating; dizziness; and low blood pressure. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine reported that a number of studies have evaluated medical cannabis for treating neuropathic pain. The data supported the use of cannabis when used as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for relief of neuropathic pain of various etiologies. The study also concluded better sleep and functional improvement, and pain intensity was reduced.

Medical Cannabis for OCD (Obsession Compulsive Disorder)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a long-lasting disorder that causes a person to have reoccurring and uncontrollable fearful thoughts that tend to involve germs or contamination; losing or misplacing things; losing control of behavior; thoughts of aggression; unwanted or forbidden thoughts; and desire for perfection.  OCD often causes the person to be compulsive and/or repeat certain behaviors that are time-consuming and potentially result in problems with relationships and daily living. Some compulsive and repeated behaviors might include excessive hand washing; organizing and arranging items; and repeatedly checking (and re-checking) tasks (such as locking a door).   Science Daily reported that symptoms in people with OCD were reduced by approximately half within just four (4) hours of smoking medical cannabis. Compulsion decreased by 60%, unwanted thoughts by 52% and anxiety by 49%.

Medical Cannabis for Opioid Dependence

Opioids are extremely powerful pain killers and highly addictive. Symptoms of opioid addiction are described as users taking medications longer than intended and in excessive amounts; extreme and persistent desire for the substance; obsessive tendencies to obtain access to the opioid; inability to stop using; intense cravings for the substance; problems with work, school, relationships and other life circumstances due to the substance; the need for more of the substance to experience its effect.  

Patients with opioid use disorders are prone to relapse. Symptoms of opioid addiction withdrawal are at a wide range, including (but not limited to) diarrhea, shivering, nausea, sleeplessness, restlessness, tremors, abdominal cramping, bone pain, aching muscles and an intense craving for the opioid the person is addicted to.  The American Psychiatric Association reported over six year ago in 2018 that nearly one in three people know someone who is addicted to opioids. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that nearly 108,000 people in the United States died from drug overdoses in 2022.

Scientific American reported in August 2024 that some mechanists’ findings suggest that medical cannabis and its constituents have potential benefits for opioid use disorder treatment. The online article also added that some studies indicate that THC might help reduce the need for opioids in pain management and that CBD may help reduce drug-seeking behavior and cravings triggered by environmental cues. However, further studies are needed to clarify these findings.

Medical Cannabis for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the production of dopaminergic neurons in specific areas of the brain. The cause for this disease is unknown, but scientists believe the condition is the combination of environmental factors and genetics. PD symptoms gradually develop over several years and symptoms vary from person to person. Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease may include tremors, slow moving body movement, stiff limbs, as well as gait and balance problems. No cure has been discovered for PD, but there are treatment options that include medications, lifestyle changes and, in some case, surgery.

The Parkinson’s Foundation has indicated that there are risks and benefits associated with the use of medical cannabis for people with PD. Benefits include a possible improvement in anxiety, pain, sleep dysfunction, weight loss and nausea. Potential adverse side effects include impaired cognition, dizziness, blurred vision, mood and behavior changes, loss of balance and hallucinations. Chronic use of marijuana can increase the risk of mood disorders, particularly among young users and lung cancer.

Medical Cannabis for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that evolves in people who have experienced one or more traumatic events or circumstances, such as witnessing an act of violence, sexual assault, natural disaster, serious accidents and other types of shocking events. PTSD affects the well-being of trauma victims mentally, physically, socially and/or spiritually. This condition is also often referred to as ‘shell shock’ or ‘combat fatigue’ as it refers to the unfortunate consequences of the trauma experienced by our military veterans. 

Patients suffering with PTSD have extreme and troubling thoughts, and an overall state of mind, as a result of at least one or more traumatic experiences. This condition lingers long after the trauma has occurred and involves feelings of extreme sadness and anger. Victims of PTSD often have flashbacks and/or nightmares and tend to withdraw from social situations. They sometimes have difficulty remembering various aspects of their traumatic experiences and take on unnecessary feelings of guilt or shame. Angry outbursts, reckless behavior and self-destruction are also common characteristics. Loud noises and social interactions will typically draw negative reactions from those who are diagnosed with this mental disorder.

Veterans of Foreign Wars released an article online in September 2021 ‘Federal Study Finds Cannabis Beneficial for PTSD Treatment’. The study was performed by The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) in 2020 and involved 150 patients who were diagnosed with PTSD. Their results concluded that over the course of a year, medical cannabis and CBD was found to decrease the severity of PTSD symptoms. These patients were also more than 2.5 times as likely to no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD as those who did not use cannabis.

According to Frontiers Psychiatry, medical cannabis can potentially benefit PTSD patients by reducing fear, anxiety, and aversive memories. The natural remedy may also increase hyperarousal and intrusive memories and reduce PTSD symptoms overall.

Medical Cannabis for Seizure Control

Seizures are the result of a temporary burst of electrical brain activity that alters the messages that are sent between brain cells. The burst can cause changes in body movement, sensation, the ability of function, as well as the person’s behavior and responsiveness. The most common cause of seizures is epilepsy. However, there are other medical conditions that cause seizures. Seizures may also be the result of a high fever, brain infection (i.e. meningitis or encephalitis), lack of sleep, low blood sodium, medications (i.e. antidepressants and pain medications), head trauma, recreational drugs and abuse, excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol withdrawal.

Symptoms of seizures may include loss of consciousness, long staring, temporary confusion, sudden and extreme emotional changes or responsiveness, such as anxiety, fear or feeling that you already experienced a situation.

According to the Epilepsy Foundation, some people living with uncontrolled seizures have reported beneficial effects and reduced seizure activity when using medical cannabis, especially strains rich in CBD. Further research is needed on the effects of medical cannabis on epilepsy, but when recommended by a treating physician, medical cannabis may be the best alternative for some individuals living with drug-resistance epilepsy and uncontrolled seizures.

Medical Cannabis for Sleep Problems

Sleep disorders are the result of a long list of conditions that disturb regular sleep patterns. Insomnia is the most common reason that people suffer from lack of sleep. Sleep Apnea follows close behind. Sleep Apnea is a breathing disorder that causes a person to stop breathing for ten seconds or more while sleeping.

Other medical conditions can also create difficulty in sleeping, such as heart, lung and nerve disorders. Problems with pain also will affect one’s sleep patterns. Mental illnesses, including anxiety and depression can also play a role in preventing a good night’s sleep. Diet, caffeine and alcohol consumption may also play a part. Irregular sleep schedules and aging also have an effect on how well a person sleeps.

Sleep Doctor published an article online in April 2024 that testifies research has shown that cannabis may improve sleep quality by helping people fall asleep faster and wake up less often at night. However, the benefits of cannabis for sleep depend on several factors, including the type of cannabis product used. Experts suspect that cannabis may help with certain health conditions because of the effects of the cannabinoids on the body’s central nervous system and immune system. Although research into the uses of cannabis to treat problems is limited, cannabis holds promise for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Florida Requirements for Medical Marijuana Renewal

Medical Marijuana Renewals are required each year. In order to renew your MMJ card in Florida, you will need to revisit an approved medical marijuana doctor.

Schedule an Appointment with a Medical Cannabis Doctor Today!

Medical Cannabis has been approved for prescriptions to address the health and mental conditions listed above in various regions within the United States, as well as many other qualifying conditions. Miracle Leaf Medical Marijuana Doctor clinics are located throughout Florida, Georgia and Texas. Our medical cannabis physicians are available to help walk you through the steps for getting a medical cannabis card. Simply call us today at 833-534-2565 (833-LEGAL-MJ) or contact us online with any questions. Telehealth appointments are also available for those who are unable to come in for a regular office visit.

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